Plenary and Keynote Speakers

12th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (HTFF 2025)

The Plenary and Keynote Speakers for HTFF 2025 will be announced shortly! Thank you for your patience.

Dr. Ali Kosar

Dr. Ali Kosar
Sabanci University, Turkey
Plenary Speaker

Ali Koşar is a Distinguished Research Professor at Sabanci University. He earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is focusing on phase change phenomena on functional surfaces and the design and development of new generation micro heat sinks with functional surfaces and microfluidic devices including cavitation on chip devices. He co-authored over 200 research articles in top journals and 100 conference papers in prestigious international conferences. He has also a co-inventor on more than 10 granted patents and 10 pending patent applications. He received numerous national and international honors, including the µFIP Prominent Researcher Award” in the 2021 micro Flow and Interfacial Phenomena (µFIP) Conference, METU (Middle East Technical University) Prof. Mustafa N. Parlar Foundation Science Award (2021). He is currently leading a research group consisting of members from various disciplines, graduate students and engineers and to bridge different disciplines (Energy, Nanotechnology, Applied Physics, Bioengineering, Biochemistry, Mechanical Engineering). He is also a Subject Editor in the Applied Thermal Engineering journal. He is the Co-director of Center of Excellence for Functional Surfaces and Interfaces for Nano diagnostics (EFSUN), a Distinguished Researcher of Sabanci University Nanotechnology and Application Center (SUNUM) and a Member of Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA).

Topic of Keynote: Manipulation of Phase Change Phenomena with Mixed Wettability and External Fields
Plenary Abstract

Dr. Dongsheng Wen

Dr. Dongsheng Wen
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Plenary Speaker

Topic of Keynote:

Dr. Sasa Kenjeres

Dr. Sasa Kenjeres
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Keynote Speaker

Topic of Keynote:

Dr. Adriano Sciacovelli

Dr. Adriano Sciacovelli
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark
Keynote Speaker

Professor Adriano Sciacovelli is international leader in Thermal Energy Engineering, with a focus on Sustainable Thermal Energy Processes, Systems & Storage (STEPS); He is Full Professor in Thermo-mechanical energy storage systems at the DTU – The Technical University of Denmark (DK). He previously held Associate Professorial role at the University of Birmingham (UK) and Research Fellow at the Politecnico di Torino (ITA). Underpinned by expertise in Mechanical, Chemical, and Energy Engineering, his research aims to advance thermo-mechanical engineering science to develop innovative STEPS solutions, technologies and methods for decarbonizing thermal energy (heat & cold). A distinctive aspect of his work is the ability to conduct combined computational and experimental research across various scales of STEPS (materials, components, systems). Outputs of Professor Sciacovelli activities encompass fundamental understanding and advancement in STEPS solutions, such as Carnot Batteries (CB), Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES), and Phase-Change and Thermo-Chemical Energy Storage (PCM, TCM), through fundamental thermal engineering research and technology development. With over 30 research grants for a combined investment of £25m (~€31m) from the EU, EPSRC, the Royal Society, and industrial partners, his research has involved more than 50 national and international collaborations, the pre-commercialization of three STEPS technologies, and resulted in over 140 publications, 30+ invited talks, and international awards. He holds scientific and advisory roles in 10+ institutions/associations, such ASME, ECOS and IEA.

Topic of Keynote:

Registration fee includes the following:

  • Publication of 1 accepted paper in the proceedings. Publication of each additional paper requires a €250 EUR registration
  • Buffet lunch for each day of the conference
  • 2 coffee breaks for each day of the conference
  • 1 banquet dinner OR cruise tour

Important information for accompanying person(s): Please be informed that the accompanying person can NOT be a co-author.
Co-authors, regardless if 1 author is attending, must pay the full registration fee.
The accompany person fee is only for spouses and/or children. Please contact us if you are unsure.

Virtual registration fee includes the following:

  • Publication of 1 accepted paper in the proceedings. Publication of each additional paper requires a €150 EUR registration
  • Access to all the sessions of the conference